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Real Moments from HBO’s Insecure.

Real Moments from HBO’s Insecure.

Can we just take a minute to talk about HBO’s hit series Insecure?

Let’s be clear – Insecure is EVERYTHING and the eLife242 team has been obsessin’ from the start!

If you haven’t already caught up with this season – “baby, what is you doing?!” And if you’ve never watched the show, I’m gon’ need you to reevaluate yourself. Issa Rae has skillfully crafted a show that is not only hella black but also hella relatable. She along with her writing team, cast and crew paint realistic narratives of every day life for middle-classed to upper middle-classed millennials trying to navigate the ins and outs of love relationships, friendships and social prejudices like racism, classism, ageism, homophobia and all around sexism while simultaneously debunking the stereotypes at every nip, crack and corner. The show is to be praised for it’s small but important details that add a little bit of flavor to your Sunday night wine-downs.

Every scene from season one to now have been a bout of “yassssssssss” or “WTF?” moments for us, so we just wanted to take the time out to recognize the most order soma bestseller prices memorable bits from the series.

  1. That time Issa told Lawrence that she’s tired of his excuses, straight up and needed to find alternatives.

  2. When she bumped him in the food store and was not about the arguments.

  3. You felt it on a spiritual level when Daniel called out Issa.

  4. And when Kelly called out Tiffany’s homophobia.

  5. And of course you wouldn’t be a best friend if you didn’t check your best friend every now and then.

  6. But hold her down when push comes to shove.

  7. And those moments when you gotta remind yourself of the progress you’ve made.

  8. Or the progress the system has yet to make.

  9. Or when you need to give it a rest like Issa told Freida.

  10. How about them real ass moments when class won’t get the prize?

  11. And we all said a resounding ‘YASSSSSSSSSS’ when Tasha told Lawrence what it is, straight up.

Tell us about your favorite ‘Insecure’ moments in the comments below!

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